Austin Young Democrats
6 min readMar 16, 2021


Please join us in welcoming the new Austin Young Democrats executive board at the first AYD membership meeting under this new administration on Thursday, March 25th at 7pm via Zoom.

The Austin Young Democrats is the largest Texas Young Democrats chapter in the state. This gives us the opportunity to become a leading force for change within the local Democratic party and the Texas Legislature.

In what has already been a disastrous year for Texans at the hands of our Republican state leadership, the Austin Young Democrats are committed to building a more diverse, inclusive and effective youth coalition for change. That work starts now. 2021 is a critical time to reflect on and invest in the Democratic party’s organizing infrastructure as we build to the 2022 elections. The newly elected AYD Board is committed to investing in that infrastructure and with your support, Democrats will continue to win in Austin and across the state of Texas.

Join us on Thursday, March 25th as we build a more reflective Democracy.

Interested in becoming an active member? Email us for more info on how to get involved at

Ryan Rosshirt, President of AYD

Ryan Rosshirt, the new President of the Austin Young Democrats is an Austin Native, a member of the Austin Travis County Food Policy Board, an avid gardener (certified in permaculture design) and a TreeFolks Urban Forest Steward. Ryan is committed to a Green New Deal (or Build Back Better) with a Just Transition for energy workers and those most marginalized by climate change and our broken energy system. Ryan is a labor organizer who has unionized his workplaces and negotiated union contracts with employers. He is part owner of a first of it’s kind cooperative political firm, which itself has an employee union. The Democratic party desperately needs the kind of workplace and community democracy which Ryan has fought for and implemented throughout his community. He ran to make sure everyone has a place in the Democratic party and to bridge the fractious divisions inside the party. Ryan appreciates you, wants you around and thinks you matter. Call him at 206 724 2377.

Steph LaSala, Vice-President of AYD

Steph LaSala, the new Vice President of Austin Young Democrats, is a 26 years old worker who moved to Austin 2 1/2 years ago. She is currently a member and field organizer at a worker-owned campaign firm, but worked beforehand in the service industry, as an overnight manager at Voodoo Doughnut. After being laid off due to Covid, she took a job doing voter registration, registering over 100 voters, and became a part of the United Professional Organizers union. Her passion is to help each person be able to live their best life, and to fight the injustices people experience daily. She is excited for the upcoming year with the club, to get to know every member and make sure everyone finds an inclusive and safe space at AYD.

Juan Benitez, Public Relations Director for AYD

Juan Benitez is currently the Communications Director for Workers Defense Project and Workers Defense Action Fund. He is committed to delivering transformative progressive change to working Texans and building a reflective Democracy that is inclusive of communities historically barred from participating in our electoral process. As a Dreamer and undocumented immigrant, he uniquely understands the challenges that underserved communities face on their path to liberation from systems of oppression. In the world of all this Communications, Juan believes that the Democratic Party is only strengthened when we allow black and brown voices to be their own messengers.

Alex Meed, Membership Director for AYD

Alex Meed is the newly elected Membership Chair of the Austin Young Democrats. He is also a member of the Texas Young Democrats Rules Committee and a past Parliamentarian and President of the University Democrats at UT Austin. Alex believes in a Democratic Party that fights for everyone — whether it’s revamping our healthcare system, treating all segments of our population with respect, or responding to a once-in-a-lifetime health emergency by listening to science and giving working people relief. He’s committed to building a welcoming club, and if you’re an Austin Democrat, he’d love to have you join us!

Brandon Bradley, Volunteer Coordinator for AYD

Brandon is a senior government major at UT Austin where he serves as the President of the University Democrats. He works on climate (energy / transportation) policy, along with issues of democratic reform and international migration. Outside of politics he works as a substitute teacher at AISD and is in the process of getting his teaching certification. As the Volunteer Coordinator of AYD Brandon is excited to provide AYD members the opportunity to work on behalf of progressive candidates and causes at the state and local level. He can be reached anytime at

Mary Ibarra, Treasurer for AYD

Mary is a progressive activist and community organizer. Originally from the Rio Grande Valley, she moved to Austin 10 years ago. She’s managed local campaigns and organized with national organizations like Voto Latino and Swing Left. Mary is passionate about uplifting marginalized communities and strongly believes in bringing as many underrepresented voices to the table as possible. Her current pandemic hobbies include working to perfect Mexican dishes and launching her dogsitting business.

Kevin Barajas, Parliamentarian for AYD

Kevin was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley and started being active in his community early on in high school. With a passion for civic engagement, his experiences have ranged from volunteering for progressive campaigns to staffing in the legislature. He is currently a student at UT Austin majoring in government and history and organizes for local nonprofit Embrace Austin.

Sophia Garcia, Secretary for AYD

Born in LA, raised in Houston, Sophia learned about the importance of diversity, inclusivity, and justice from an early age. A graduate from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in Government and a BA in Philosophy, her hobbies include spending time outdoors, reading classical literature, and laughing with loved ones. Her future goals are attending law school with the intention of studying human rights. She began organizing at 19 and in 2018 had the fortune to work as an organizer on the Coordinated Campaign for the Travis County Democratic Party. Since then she went on to work in the 86th Legislature for the Texas Senate, served as the deputy field director for TCDP Coordinated in 2020, and is currently working in the 87th Legislature.

